26 May 2023

Year 1 Bonding Session 2023

Paragon International School Year 1 parents visited our school to see the ongoing progress of their children. Parents were able to witness the interactive and fun things that the class teachers had documented in pictures and videos from the classroom. Also, past events that their child was involved in. On top of that, students reenacted some of the core academic tasks and skills that they have acquired through these first five months of study in Paragon. For some, it was the very first time for them to stand in front of an audience to perform and what a confidence booster it was for them. An absolute terrific achievement; well done year 1 students and teachers.

After the classroom talk and all the demonstrations, parents gathered in the cafeteria for a bonding session with their own children. At the start of the bonding session, we took a picture with their child/ren and as a surprise we had it printed out; which was tied in with a family activity to create a frame for the picture to be imprinted on it, so that this memory would be cherished forever.

We want to thank the parents from Paragon International school that took time out from their busy schedules to come and support this event. Seeing how proud the parents were by witnessing their own kids’ progress was truly a magical moment. Not to mention the impact it had on the students as well as the teachers.

A validation of efforts and achievements and the start of an academic and personal growth journey for Year 1 students.