16 Mar 2023

Sekolah Menengah Paragon Oscar Prom Night 2022/2023

16 March 2023 was truly a night to remember as the Form 5 graduates of Sekolah Menengah Paragon had a blast at the Oscar Prom Night. This evening marks a special occasion, the first ever Oscar prom night for Sekolah Menengah Paragon!
Sumptuous food, good music, and excellent company – these were the ingredients of a memorable prom night. As the students gathered in their finest attire, the excitement in the air was palpable. The air was heightened by the live band while students and teachers rocked the dance floor. The games in between brought a playful spirit to the evening too as the students challenged each other to friendly competitions and enjoyed some friendly rivalry.

In addition, there was also an unlimited instant print photo booth for the students. It was a popular attraction, as the students posed capturing memories of the night to keep for years to come.

A video was also played to sum up the students' 5 years in the school. It was an emotional moment for many, as they reflected on their journey and the support they had received from their teachers and peers.

The highlight of the night was the announcement of the prom king and queen. The room fell silent as the names were read out, and then erupted into cheers as the winners were crowned.

They laughed, reminisced, and perhaps shed a few tears as they said goodbye to their beloved high school years but above all, they cherished the bonds they had formed with each other – bonds that would endure long after they left the school behind.